Saturday 22 September 2007

Great Expectations

Some people plan their entire lives around finding the ‘best’ schools and educational establishments for their kids.

1. How do I best help prepare the ‘next generation’ for the future marketplace without placing unspoken expectations on them?

2. Does this question matter any less to a Christian parent, given that wealth and asset accumulation have no significance in the kingdom of God? What if our kids grow up as unbelievers and place more value in these things?

Jesus and the ASBO

Across the street from our house are three car parking spaces. It is a corner of town, hidden from CCTV and the accountability of society. Every day I see guys loitering there; drinking beer in the street, throwing their cans on the ground, urinating up the walls. All of these are illegal where we live.

From a MarketPlace point of view, we could lose less money in our mortgage on the property if these people would go away and ‘devalue’ somebody else’s ‘front yard’. Getting them ‘moved on’ would probably take a month of daily phone calls to the local police.

From a Church point of view, Jesus talked about loving neighbours and casting out demons. My only contact with these people is to ask them to use a bin and to not p*** up the walls please. So my message is that Jesus likes streets that are clean and stench free.

Should I ‘live and let live’ or do I pick up the phone?