Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Christmas Dilemma

A neighbour knocks on our door late one night. He tells us that he needs some kitchen foil to roast a chicken. What better a time of year to give cheerfully from the excesses of our kitchen cupboards?!

The stocky fellow grins at me on the doorstep through his gold-capped tooth. As a character whose community is by and large on the streets, and whose lifestyle is entwined with prison, squats and the drugs economy, I wonder if it is wisdom, or just a sign of my messed up state of heart and untrusting mind, that I doubt his motives.

Throwing caution to the wind, I head for the kitchen where my wife intercepts me to remind me of the double usefulness of tools like candles, metal spoons and foil to people who dabble in such circles. Or maybe there's just a naked chicken down the road, sitting in a tray.

I wonder what Jesus would have done?


Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Sons of Isaac and Ishmael

We could debate endlessly on Who should control the purse strings on God’s behalf. Or whether a piece of land declared ‘holy’ under one covenant remains ‘holy’ indefinitely. Or who should own it. Along with any associated artefacts. Or if God cares.

But it is true to say that, in order to understand where we’ve come from, we need to look down the path behind us.

BBC2: After Rome : Boris Johnson

This is, quite possible, the most unifying and trustworthy synopsis that I have heard from a political figurehead since September 2001. The series on the ‘clash of civilisations’ should be compulsory viewing to all westerners; Christians, Jews and Muslims alike.


Monday, 1 December 2008

Dignity v Pride

Before the time when his problems started choking his self-esteem, Geoff worked in The City in the banking sector. He was familiar with receiving high levels of customer service. Recently, when appearing reluctant to share a room at the local homeless shelter, Geoff was told that he was being “a bit too proud”. Later that month, however, his picture was used in fundraising literature for the same shelter - to depict the type of client whose “dignity” they were trying to restore.

So what’s the difference between Pride and Dignity?
Are we supposed to retain them or shake them off?
