Sunday, 2 August 2009

Mates Rates

Aristotle wrote, “Usury is detested above all and for the best of reasons. It makes profit out of money itself, not for money’s natural object … Money was intended as a means of exchange, not to increase at interest" (Aristotle 20-1 ‘Politics’ translation by John Warrington for Everyman’s Library London: Dent and Sons)

John the Baptist / Yochanan Ben Zecharyah taught "The man with two tunics (kaftans) should share with him who has none, and the one who has food (okhel) should do the same." [Bible:NIV|B’rC:NT:Luk3]

Lal writes about market advantage in terms of ‘transactional costs’ (p42) “… costs of relations between people (citing Matthews) … and how … institutions are par excellence ways of controlling or influencing the form, content, and outcomes of these interactions.”

So this is why the Baptist guy at the tool hire store won’t give me a drill, even though I have none and he has nine, right?

How clever we have become. Christian Branding, Christian Companies and Corporations, Christian Commercial Charities. The institutions which harbour our iniquities.
