Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Wolf Chops

One of my favourite quotes is by Benjamin Franklin on the subject of liberty:

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch …”

I have recently been mindful of Palm Sunday and wrestling with the irony of how, in Sunday school classes, our children make ‘palm leaves’ as a craft to learn how Jesus’ entrance was as a triumphant king.

Or was it? The irony being that the Jews who laid palm branches on the road before Jesus were, quite probably, the same Jews later demanding his crucifixion.

And understandably too. Put yourself in their shoes. The hope of a prophecy fulfilled. And then, dramatically not fulfilled. Jesus rode a colt into town, yes, but he did not remove the power of the oppressor. He was clearly not there to bring peace. He toppled their micro-markets and their clever tax avoidance schemes. To replace it with what?

Our own upcoming national elections remind me that, along with hope for a new leader comes hope for a new military strategy, hope for a new financial system, hope for a better system of justice, for a better job or role, for a better way of life for me and my family. For the oppressed, hope for Wolf Chops.

But this is not the Kingdom of God that Jesus brought near as I understand it.

It is not about the Acquisition Of Power, whether for good or otherwise.

In terms of a strategy for service, Jesus teaching is exhausting. In terms of finance, it will leave you penniless. In terms of a social role, it will make you an alien and in terms of military progress it will (to cite Chris Martin’s genius lyrics) leave you sweeping the streets you used to own.
