Monday 24 December 2007

To Meet Or Not To Meet

The organisations, programmes, events and personal ambitions, which arise from the notion that 'church' is anything more than a collection of believers, are great distractions to my pursuit of God.

My difficulty is that, except for my understanding of Jesus' message, I cannot find a party line to toe, an authority to submit to, or a vision to passionately pursue.

Attending most church meetings feels either inappropriate, painful or hippocritical. Not meeting with other believers feels wrong, isolating and not a good way to head a family, which I believe to be one of my responsibilities.

I don't have anything better to offer except that which I do now.

Meeting: Is it better to do the wrong thing than to do nothing?


nemo said...

I seek the truth, I find what people say in church hard to swallow, but if that is not truth what is and where can I find it if not in church?

sputnik said...

to me there are two categories of 'truth'. 'truth' which can be reasonably proved, and 'truth' which is by faith. i.e. that which individuals believe to be true, despite being largely unprovable.

for the latter, no two Christians agree on all aspects of truth although creeds, alliances and denominations are a good way to specify commonality of belief amongst a group.

what kind of things are hard to swallow?