Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Christmas Dilemma

A neighbour knocks on our door late one night. He tells us that he needs some kitchen foil to roast a chicken. What better a time of year to give cheerfully from the excesses of our kitchen cupboards?!

The stocky fellow grins at me on the doorstep through his gold-capped tooth. As a character whose community is by and large on the streets, and whose lifestyle is entwined with prison, squats and the drugs economy, I wonder if it is wisdom, or just a sign of my messed up state of heart and untrusting mind, that I doubt his motives.

Throwing caution to the wind, I head for the kitchen where my wife intercepts me to remind me of the double usefulness of tools like candles, metal spoons and foil to people who dabble in such circles. Or maybe there's just a naked chicken down the road, sitting in a tray.

I wonder what Jesus would have done?


Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Sons of Isaac and Ishmael

We could debate endlessly on Who should control the purse strings on God’s behalf. Or whether a piece of land declared ‘holy’ under one covenant remains ‘holy’ indefinitely. Or who should own it. Along with any associated artefacts. Or if God cares.

But it is true to say that, in order to understand where we’ve come from, we need to look down the path behind us.

BBC2: After Rome : Boris Johnson

This is, quite possible, the most unifying and trustworthy synopsis that I have heard from a political figurehead since September 2001. The series on the ‘clash of civilisations’ should be compulsory viewing to all westerners; Christians, Jews and Muslims alike.


Monday, 1 December 2008

Dignity v Pride

Before the time when his problems started choking his self-esteem, Geoff worked in The City in the banking sector. He was familiar with receiving high levels of customer service. Recently, when appearing reluctant to share a room at the local homeless shelter, Geoff was told that he was being “a bit too proud”. Later that month, however, his picture was used in fundraising literature for the same shelter - to depict the type of client whose “dignity” they were trying to restore.

So what’s the difference between Pride and Dignity?
Are we supposed to retain them or shake them off?


Saturday, 15 November 2008


The most compassionate thing to do for a world that cannot believe in God is to create substitute purpose and reason for living.

True or False?


Adam and Eve and Friends

Who were the parents of Cain’s wife?


Sunday, 9 November 2008

Teenage Messiah ?

According to the Bible, he told Caiaphas that he was ‘the Christ’. He told a Samaritan woman that he was ‘the Messiah’. He told a Canaanite woman that he was ‘the Son of David’ and he told countless others that he was ‘the Son of Man’.

But when did Jesus have these realisations?

[Thread subject courtesy of Nemo, thanks]


Sunday, 26 October 2008

Gentiles For Jesus

Below is an interesting dialogue between two organisational leaders. Their respective movements represent diametrically opposite views on whether Messianic Jews should practice Torah.

If the Jewish church cannot agree, what hope is there for the Gentile church?
How should a Gentile believer behave?


Sunday, 5 October 2008

Taxing Robots

I have joined a self-sufficient ‘sharing’ community. At the outset, community functions were divided equally and tasks allocated to everybody. Community ‘credits’ are earned based on the completion of tasks and debited when the services of another are consumed.

My role, like that of a few others, is to wash and dry dishes. I love it. Normally, I could turn around about 240 dishes per day, which is a few more than what my counterparts can do. However, on Tuesday I finally commissioned my new invention that washes and dries 5000 dishes in 12 hours.

So now I do all of the dishes. I have far more credits and free time so I have launched a few initiatives. I have opened a bank for people who want to borrow credits to also work on inventions. I have started a charity for ex-dish-washers and others who no longer have enough work in their specialised fields. I am also opening a psychological advice practice to help the spiralling number of problems arising in the community.

These days, community life sucks. Relationships are abrasive and tensions are high. If I could turn back time to that Tuesday and make different decisions I would. Should I have shared the benefits of my automation in another way?


Saturday, 4 October 2008

Dodos and Dragons

One ate grass like an ox and lived amongst lotus plants, marsh reeds and willows. The other had powerful limbs, airtight scales, smoking nostrils and a fiery breath [Bible:OT:Job40-41].

Some theologians and scholars interpret Behemoth and Leviathan as symbolic mythical beings which denote power and invincibility. Maybe. Or is this intellectualism to distance our pride from simple, yet unbelievable truths?

Some bible translations speak instead of the hippo and the crocodile. I have seen both, but I have never seen a crocodile billow smoke nor breathe fire. They are ferocious yes, but not invincible.

Is it really too difficult to believe that these were tremendous beasts which have simply become extinct?

Leviathan. Myth, Croc or Extinct ?


Thursday, 24 July 2008

Jesus and The Credit Crunch

Ok, so the final product was a little short lived, but the process was commendable. Around 15,000 people were involved with the design and build and almost 900 served on board. She was a wage earner for the skilled and the unskilled alike, and she was a common focus for believer and unbeliever to work shoulder to shoulder.

Wherever I have been in the world amongst people who are poor or caught in unhelpful lifestyles, I hear cries for the creation of sustainable employment, cries that have mostly been answered only with acts of short-lived charity.

In an age of The Wise and Frugal Church of I’m Alright Jack, where are the visionaries who will take a foolish business risk to create meaningful work for people who are short on cash and purpose?

And if we are to create neither dens for gambling, nor tools of war, then what should such projects look like?


Monday, 30 June 2008

Christian Scabs

In my country, council workers have recently voted to take strike action.

Is this a conflict of interests, creating inner turmoil for the believer?

Surely the God of the bible is a CovenantKeepingGod, and so to respect the contract of employment between the employer and the employee is a kingdom value.

Didn't God remind us, in the first instance, of what working conditions we could expect from living under monarchic rule [bible:niv:ot:1sam8]?

Dilemma. Who should I be; striker or scab ?


Sunday, 11 May 2008

Did Adam have a Belly Button ?

... and 5 of the quotes that give me reason to read Shane Claiborne's books this summer:

"... We wrestle to free ourselves from macrocharity and distant acts of charity that serve to legitimise apathetic lifestyles of good intentions but rob us of the gift of community

It’s a beautiful thing when folks in poverty are no longer a missions project but become genuine friends and family with whom we laugh, cry, dream and struggle.

[citing the late Catholic Bishop Dom Helder Camara] “when I fed the hungry, they called me a saint. When I asked why people are hungry they called me a communist”.

I used to think you were all missionaries bringing the gospel to your neighbourhood. But now I see that it is in your neighbourhood that you have learned the gospel, and that you are actually missionaries to the church

We have never considered ourselves a ‘church plant’ … I’m not sure we need more churches. What we really need is a church … I have tried to remove the plural churches from my vocabulary."

Here is the sample excerpt from "The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical"


Monday, 17 March 2008

Dream Employee ?

Joseph's story is a well scripted tale of family reconciliation and forgiveness.

But what came of his nation-saving-dreams? Was the wisely-stored-grain distributed amongst the people with mercy and compassion? No, they paid for the grain with their savings, and when they had no money left, he took their cattle. And when they had no cattle left, he took their land. And when hardship and poverty was rife, he imposed a 20% taxation on all future production [bible:niv:gen47].

Did the Prophetic Dreamer become a Ruthless Capitalist or just any government's Model Employee ?


Wednesday, 12 March 2008

Freeze Dried, Vacuum Packed, Cryogenically Stored ?

It resembled coriander seed, was white, and tasted like wafers made with honey.


"... two quarts of it are to be preserved throughout your generations, so that they may see the bread I fed you in the wilderness when I brought you out of the land of Egypt ..." [bible:niv:ot:exo16]

So where is it then ?


Tuesday, 19 February 2008

My Parents, My Kids and Jesus

I want to be like my parents.
I don't want to be like my parents.
I want my children to be like me.
I don't want my children to be like me.

I found some of this talk interesting and helpful.
[The ILoveYouSong is on YouTube]

Saturday, 2 February 2008

SuperDad ?

Among other roles described throughout the bible, God is identified as the 'father' of both Jesus and of those who subsequently believe in him.

In this respect, should modern-day fathers in our society be taking cues from the character of God in their relationships with their own children?
