Friday 11 September 2009

Jesus And Stress

In what order would Jesus recommend the following as being suitable remedies for stress?

A. Withdraw from stressful responsibility
B. Consume more alcohol
C. Inhale more tobacco
D. Digest prescription narcotics
E. Digest non-prescription narcotics
F. Do a lot of shouting
G. Hit inanimate objects
H. Other



nemo said...

H. Every fortnight I lead worship for a bunch of people I have a lot of respect for. We sing, the wise man built his house upon the rock, and the rain came tumbling down and the floods came up and the house on the rock stood firm.

sputnik said...

are you saying that people who have 'house built upon the rock' faith shouldn't experience stress?

Nemo said...

No, Jesus said there would be stress, just don't worry about it. - "and which of you by being stressed can add a single hour to his span of life worrying about it" - my own translation.

sputnik said...

I don't think that stress is the same as worry. Stress is a kind of mental 'haemorrhaging' that takes place when situations go beyond our capacity to deal with them.

Physiologically speaking, we could say that *all* substances - from a cup of strong coffee - that our body consumes, fundamentally do one of two things. Either they (1) increase our capacity to deal with situations or they (2) help numb the pain of the difficulty.

The kingdom of God is spiritual, rather than physiological, but there is a relationship between the two e.g. somehow there is spiritual advantage in 'fasting' - denying the body substances that we might otherwise consider necessary.

fisher_david said...

Point (I) I would suggest is ... exercise.

sputnik said...

I think that I am fundamentally too lazy to try that.