Friday 11 May 2007

Money Money Money

True Or False ?

1. Except for a Watchmaker, the secular proverb “Time Is Money” is true only when interest is charged on a debt.
2. Regardless of how much or how little we think we have, we usually spend it all.
3. Wise Stewards invest an excess where it will bring the greatest return, the Charitable distribute it to the most worthy cause, but Jesus’ message on giving is not about stewardship, or charity, but Generosity.


sputnik said...

1. true
2. true, although sometimes i save for a while
3. true

when Jesus said "... it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God ..." [bible:niv:nt:luke18], wasnt he preaching the basic notion that it is impossible for a rich man to be as 'generous' as a poor man.

surely the difference between 'charity' and 'generosity' is that 'charity' casts judgment before giving.

i am also beginning to realise that economic differences between the giver and the receiver can often means that generosity goes unappreciated.

the poor man’s generosity to the rich man was not appreciated, because the rich man would have chosen differently, and could have bought it for a very small price.

the rich man’s generosity to the poor man was not appreciated, because the poor man thought he was receiving ‘left-over change’.

nemo said...

1. False ask a Zimbabwean
2. True, through time
3. True, Jesus and woman with perfume case in point

sputnik said...

i dont know any zimbabweans, what would they say?

nemo said...

A guy from Harare with $100 Zim Dollar today in his pocket buys 2 bushels of corn, but tomorrow the same guy's $100 Zim Dollar only buys 1 bushel of corn, due to huge price inflation. Are you saying the root cause of price inflation is interest charged on debt?

sputnik said...

im not an economist, but here's an excerpt from wikipedia on the matter.

"... the prevailing view in mainstream economics is that inflation is caused by the interaction of the supply of money with output and interest rates ..."

output has certainly slumped in that country since land, once used for volume production, is being increasingly pegged out for residential use and subsistence farming. maybe they have printed too much money too?

nemo said...

I revise my findings

1. true
2. true
3. true

Unknown said...
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sputnik said...

thanks for your contribution puneet, but blog rules are no ads. youre welcome to comment without the link.