Saturday 5 May 2007

Theoretical Situation III

Janet and John are at home, enjoying an evening in with some visiting friends, Betty and Boris. They hear a disturbance outside, including raised voices, violent language and the crash of rubbish bins (trash cans).

Boris and John go outside to find a young woman fearfully curled up against a wall, and a loud man pacing, threateningly, around her. To anyone listening in the neighbourhood, the man explains in an angry boom that the girl is the mother of his unborn child and that he has just discovered she is using crack cocaine.

What would you do?

a) Invite the girl in for a coffee
b) Tackle the man to the ground
c) Go back into the house and try to talk a little louder, so as to drown out the noise outside
d) Hang around and intervene in the event of physical violence
e) Call the cops
f) Invite the man in for a coffee
g) Other ...


nemo said...

I think I'd go with g.
Splitting them up might be dangerous. Maybe, inivite either or both of them for a coffee later might be an idea. Good Idea to get Janet and Betty outside to talk with the girl.

sputnik said...

i would go with (d), tho im not sure its the best idea. if i were john i would be reluctant to bring janet outside while the guy is still around.

i have no understanding of crack cocaine lifetsyles. i can understand the man feeling angry, but beating her up wont help anything (especially not the baby he is trying to 'protect'!)